Monica’s Food Rules:
1. Eat whatever you want
2. Don’t drink soda, juice or water while having a meal (it will make you feel full faster and you won’t be able to finish all of your food)
3. Have a drink of water only after you have eaten all the food you want to eat
4. Eat more than your husband
5. Finish your food at the restaurant (appreciate your meal, people in this world starve daily)
The bottomless pit was catching up with me and was about to swallow me up and I could not fit my clothes anymore. I was moving into a M/L range. That size isn't bad but I am short and have always been small. Some women have a beautiful distribution of weight and they look great. But not me. I have a flat chest, and I develop a gut and butt when I gain weight.
I didn’t feel very good about myself. A year later after being pregnant I was still wearing my maternity clothes in public. After walking on a treadmill for 6 months and lifting weights while feeling like the men were staring at me in the gym, I wanted to lose weight and I wanted a change. I needed to feel beautiful for myself. It had nothing to do with anyone else, just me.
I did an internet search on the best workout DVD’s and someone named Jeanette Jenkins pops up. I have never even heard of this lady, the Hollywood Trainer. I looked at her reviews for DVD’s on Amazon which were pretty good. I decided to purchase the Hollywood Trainer 21 Day Total Body Circuit DVD, nothing fancy just basic exercises. It also came with a thin booklet that scared the mess out of me about nutrition. It was enough for me start researching nutrition for myself. Actually if you get the book, The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan: 21 Days To Make Healthy Living a Lifetime Habit By Jeanette Jenkins , it’s a lot better than getting the one DVD I purchased because the book comes with the DVD for $5 more and additional goodies I don't have on my DVD.
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The Hollywood Trainer |
I am by no means saying you should buy or try this DVD; but this gave me some motivation to change. If you're serious about getting somewhere, it may change your life. It's been just one out of many stepping stones for me. Now I am truly interested in helping others reach their goals . . . . [HINT HINT]
I subscribe to Jeanette Jenkin's tips because she's qualified and credible. She gives free advice on exercise, health, and nutrition.
I lost 11 lbs. on my journey and yes, it took me months to lose 11 lbs not 21 days.
Here are my new exercise motivation rules:
1. Girl, you look good in the mirror!
2. Kickboxing is fun! (do exercises you enjoy doing)
3. Don't use a scale, measure your upper arms, thighs, waist, and hip.
4. Take photos of milestones, take a 2 week picture, a 1 month picture, etc. . . .
5. Research and read about the food you eat, OFTEN
6. Consistency is the greatest reward!
7. JUST DO IT! like Nike
What kinds of exercises do you enjoy and how do you stay motivated?
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