Sunday, October 21, 2012

Home Management Timesaver Tips

Dish washers, washers and dryers, vacuums, and cell phones should make our lives easier. Have you ever felt like you still don’t have enough time? I found this article at Baby Center and implemented some of the suggestions from other mothers that would work for our family.

When I resigned from working full-time I knew that I would be the type of person that would get so comfortable with being at home, I wouldn’t get anything done. For about six months that did happen. It’s nice to go to a parent’s group and receive encouragement and an idea of what should happen at home during the day. I also found some great resources on home management on the internet. Whether you work at home or outside of the home many of these suggestions can help manage family time more effectively.

Here’s a list of some of my favorite suggestions from the article, How to get an hour back every day, from Baby Center:

Use to do lists
I make a daily prioritized lists of to do’s, the top 3 have to get done

Get up before the kids in the morning
When my youngest son was a newborn this was the only way I could take a peaceful shower

Do paperwork in the car
If I have to fill out forms for school or home managing paperwork I do it in the car while I wait for my kids to be released from school

Teach my kids to help
I used to struggle with this because I always thought I can get the job done faster if I did everything but it’s an illusion, I can’t do everything I need their help and it’s good for them

Never watch TV
During the day I don’t watch TV unless I am folding laundry

I do only designated chores on certain days

Absolutely no TV on weekdays
For the kids

Kids help with laundry
Our son folds, put away, and hangs his own clean clothes. Our daughter rolls socks, sorts underwear and puts them away in the drawer

Plan clothing
I plan school clothing for the week

Put your kids to bed earlier
There was a time when I would let my kids go to bed whenever but it’s less stressful for our family when they go to bed early

Don’t argue over clothes
I thought that if I had a daughter I would be able to pick out the cutest outfits and do her hair. Reality hit and she turned 4 years old. She likes to pick out her own outfits whether they match or not. As long as it’s weather appropriate I let her wear what she picks out. For special occasions I pick out her clothes.

Create monthly menu and shopping lists
I do a monthly meal plan and shopping list. I shop for the month and get fresh fruit and vegetables weekly

Which timesaving tips, on the list from Baby Center, would increase your family fun time or personal time? Is there a timesaving tip you would like to share that’s not listed on the Baby Center list?

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