Friday, October 26, 2012

9 Inexpensive Ways to Spend Time with Your Family

1. Movie night at home
If the movie is old or new our kids love movie night and popcorn on Friday night as long as we watch the movie with them.

2. Visit a local farm
The kids enjoy visiting the local farm.

3. Yard makeover
This past summer we gave our flowerbed a makeover. The kids enjoyed helping with yard waste removal and watering the new plants.

4. Visit a local park
The kids enjoy going to local parks with playgrounds.

5. Create a family tradition
I cannot recall where I got this tradition from but we’ve adopted it as our own. In December we go see the Christmas light show at our local park ($5 per car) wearing our pajamas and hot cocoa on the go.

6. Take a walk
When the weather is nice, during the summer, after dinner we take a walk.

7. Read a bedtime story
After I read a bedtime story my daughter likes to talk to me about how her day went.

8. Go to the library
Some libraries offer free educational, fun, events, and summer reading programs with incentives; check out the local library.

9. Play board games
Our favorite games include, Curious George Discovery Beach, Junior Monopoly, Memory, and Bingo.

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